Sunday, 8 April 2018

Reflecting on The Freedom Writers

I am away today with the Year 9 field trip to Kumara.  While I am away, I want everyone to do something to reflect on the film we finished watching last week: The Freedom Writers.  Here are your options (choose one and do your absolutely best job on it):

  1. Write a review of The Freedom Writers.  Start by describing what the film is about (one paragraph, 4-5 sentences).  Then explain what you liked about the film and why (one paragraph, 4-5 sentences).  Then compare it to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian - how were they similar? (one paragraph, 4-5 sentences).  Finally, what messages are in this film for us?  What do we learn about the power of friendship and trust from this film?
  2. Watch this clip where Ava talks about her early experiences with violence and the police and why she has to support her family.  Then watch this clip where Ava is in court and has to make the hard decision - will she lie to protect her family and her people, or will she tell the truth and risk her family abandoning her?  Now you can either write down, or record your thoughts on screencastify: Describe Ava and her early experiences.  Explain why she changed throughout the movie and told the truth at the court case.
  3. Make a collage of images from the film that you think are powerful on a google drawing.  You can use a google images search to help you.  Then choose 1-2 quotes to go with the images to make a poster.  You can use this quotes page.
I don't mind which task you choose, but I do want to see some fabulous work on Tuesday!  Remember that you are an awesome class and make sure that your relief teacher sees your awesomeness.

slam poetry

Have a look at this list of 11 performance poetry performances. Here is another list of fabulous performances. Let's start with wh...