Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Relief for Tuesday

Hello 10QI
I am sick.  I am very sorry about that.  Here is your relief for today:

1. 15 minutes of silent reading on paper books.

2. I have smart-shared the exam preparation booklet to you all this morning.  In your English folder, you will find it.  It is called 10QI Y10 EXAM SKILLS BOOKLET (For anyone reading who is not in my class, here is a copy.  10QI students, please look in your English folder for your very own write-on copy).  Today, I want you to focus on preparing for the reading exam, by doing the asttle practice exam and doing some work on readtheory.

Thank you, Ms Quick

Monday, 11 June 2018

Learning for Tuesday 12 June 2018

Thank you for being a supportive audience on Monday, and to Max, Byron and Jameila for your awesome presentations.  Thank you to Jono and Shannon for your practise introductions and most especially to Jenna for your beautiful mihi.  He tino pai!

I am at a meeting at Grey Main today (Tuesday) and so you will have a reliever and everyone who hasn't yet presented will present on Thursday. 

1. The first part of the lesson is silent reading, using paper books (no chromebooks or phones) - 15 minutes.

2. Then you can spend the lesson practising and polishing your presentation.

3. OR, if you have your presentation all sorted, then it's time to start thinking about the Year 10 English exams.  The activity below is designed to prepare you to write about how Junior feels about his family, and how this connects to your own feelings about family life.  Your relief teacher will have a pack of handouts of pages 150-153 from the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian for you to read.  Then I want you to create a new document called "Exam Revision - Part Time Indian & Family Life" in your English folder, copy these questions and then write your answers.

Questions based on pp.150-153 of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian:

1. Copy the name of the chapter title on page 150.  What does this phrase come from?  (googling to find the answer is allowed!)

2. Why do you think Junior used that particular chapter title here?

3. In your own words, summarise what Junior's Dad did over the Christmas period.

4. Why do you think Junior described his Dad's gift to him as "a beautiful and ugly thing"?

5. What is the name of the chapter title on page 152?

6. Why has Junior given that chapter title?

7. What does Junior think is the worst thing a parent can do to their child?

8. What do you think is the worst thing a parent can do to their child?

9. Write a paragraph describing what Junior loves about his family.  Remember to use the SEXY paragraph writing formula.

10. Write a paragraph explaining how Junior's ideas about what makes a good family are affected by what he sees at Reardon.

11. Write a paragraph evaluating what Junior has taught you about the strengths and weaknesses of different families.  Evaluating means you think about all the options and decide which one convinces you the most and why - you don't have to agree with Junior's perspective, but I want you to use what he wrote as a prompt for thinking about what is important about family life for you personally.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Preparing for the connections presentation

I've seen so much thoughtful and high quality work this week.  Everyone is either a bit nervous or a lot nervous, and that's okay.  You are nervous because you want to do well, and that is AWESOME.

As you finish your slide show, remember that including specific examples to support your ideas is super important.  If you are explaining about how racism held people back in both texts, then give specific examples of where that happened in each text.

If you google "Diary of a part time Indian" images, you will see lots of the cartoons from the book and they are often useful as part of your presentation images.

For your final slides, focus on: 
  • what you learnt from each text
  • how each text links to the wider world that we live in
I have card on my desk which you can use to make cue cards.  Here is a quick guide to making and using cue cards.

Once you have your slide show and your cue cards all sorted and can show Mrs Waugh who is taking today's lesson, you can ask to work in pairs in a side room and practise your presentation.

You are welcome to email me with questions over the weekend about your work.  We will start presentations on Monday.

Please be wonderful for Mrs Waugh.  I hope you all have wonderful weekends and enjoy your sports.  Ms Quick

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Connections presentation exemplar

With huge thanks to Ms Evans, here is an example of what your presentation could look and sound like.  10EV did the same novel, but a different film, so some of the ideas are different.

Today the new books have arrived so it will be much easier to look up quotes and also to use the cartoons from Part Time Indian

slam poetry

Have a look at this list of 11 performance poetry performances. Here is another list of fabulous performances. Let's start with wh...