Friday, 8 June 2018

Preparing for the connections presentation

I've seen so much thoughtful and high quality work this week.  Everyone is either a bit nervous or a lot nervous, and that's okay.  You are nervous because you want to do well, and that is AWESOME.

As you finish your slide show, remember that including specific examples to support your ideas is super important.  If you are explaining about how racism held people back in both texts, then give specific examples of where that happened in each text.

If you google "Diary of a part time Indian" images, you will see lots of the cartoons from the book and they are often useful as part of your presentation images.

For your final slides, focus on: 
  • what you learnt from each text
  • how each text links to the wider world that we live in
I have card on my desk which you can use to make cue cards.  Here is a quick guide to making and using cue cards.

Once you have your slide show and your cue cards all sorted and can show Mrs Waugh who is taking today's lesson, you can ask to work in pairs in a side room and practise your presentation.

You are welcome to email me with questions over the weekend about your work.  We will start presentations on Monday.

Please be wonderful for Mrs Waugh.  I hope you all have wonderful weekends and enjoy your sports.  Ms Quick

1 comment:

  1. It is fantastic to hear there is such wonderful work happening this last week, great effort 10QI, keep it up! I'd love to see some of these presentations, please let me know when they are being done and ill try to come along to watch some. As an actor, I know what it's like to get a bit nervous before presenting something, try to channel that energy into your work, it's completely natural! Mr J.


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