Friday, 16 November 2018

Macbeth: evaluating the witches' scene at the beginning of the play

Kia ora 10QI

1. Re-watch the youtube video of five different versions of the witches scene at the very beginning of the play Macbeth.  Decide which version you like best, and why.  You can discuss which one you like best with another person or people to help you decide.

Then you need to write at least two paragraphs:
1. Describe the witches scene that you liked the most.  Include the name of the director and the year the version was made.  Your goal is to describe it enough detail that the reader can visualise the setting (time + place) and the mood created.

2. Explain why you liked the scene.  Think about the techniques used to create the setting and the mood.  For example, the use of costume, or makeup.  The use of music.  The setting (time and place).  The weather and how it created a particular kind of atmosphere.

When you have finished this, I want you to proof read it, ask me for feedback, and then publish it on your blog.

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